Thank you so much for your prayers and support! This last week was an amazing week, as we watched God orchestrate all the little details that “work together for good according to His purpose.” On Tuesday, we moved from Victory Baptist Church’s prophet’s chamber to Calvary Road Baptist Church’s mission house—our permanent residence for the summer.
While on the road to Calvary Road Baptist Church, we missed a few turns, and God led us in His perfect timing to a major accident which had just occurred. Those missed turns caused us to be among the first few cars to be stopped by the accident. When we stopped, Pastor Peterson got out to see if he could help, and he was able to pray with a severely injured man before he passed away. Since then, he has met the man’s family, and will be preaching at the man’s funeral. Please pray that the family will be saved through this trying time.
While out on door-to-door last Friday, we met a Jehovah’s Witness that was willing to listen to the entire plan of salvation! He also said he would be open to future visits. Please pray that George will be saved.
This last Saturday, there was a community event in downtown Brownsville where small businesses set up booths by the side of the road. We went there with water bottles to hand out along with John and Romans, packets of tracts, and flyers for the church. We handed out several water bottles and over 100 John and Romans packets! We also made great contacts with local business owners, with whom we are praying to establish good relationships. Please pray especially for Liz, Molly, and Julissa.
Thank you for your prayers and support!
In Christ,
The Evangelize America Brownsville Team