Brownsville Update – June 20th

Thank you so much for your prayers and support! We are confident that God is doing and will continue to do great things in the Brownsville community. This last week God answered our prayers very specifically in regard to the delivery of 5,000 donated John and Romans. We were praying that they would be delivered to us so that we would not lose a day of ministry in traveling back and forth to Knoxville. This last Thursday, they were delivered to us! What an amazing blessing! Another blessing came from Pastor Bowers of Victory Baptist Church who helped us find more economical printing of the handout flyers we have been using. We are about to pick up our first order of 1,000. We have been encouraged seeing how God has worked out even the small details!

This last week was largely a preparation week. We accomplished a lot of printing and planning, along with several follow-up visits and more door-to-door visitation. This preparation is enabling us to hit the ground running more efficiently this week.

This last Saturday, there was a large naval airshow at the Navy base in Millington. We were able to locate a free parking lot nearby, and we handed out over 100 bags filled with water bottles, tracts, and John and Romans!

Please keep praying! The devil is clearly fighting the church plant. During this week, we were hit with some minor illnesses, a flat tire, and other unforeseen issues. However, we saw God’s blessing in those situations as well. He continues to provide for every need!

This last Sunday was an encouraging day for our team with visits from members of Fundamental Baptist World-Wide Mission. They encouraged us and gave us valuable advice for church planting from their years of experience. We are seeking to implement their advice right away in multiple areas including introducing ourselves to local officials and law enforcement, seeking to build relationships with business owners, and increasing the amount of time on the streets canvasing the Brownsville area.

Thank you for your prayers and support!

In Christ,

The Evangelize America Brownsville Team

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