Brownsville Update – August 1st

This week has been greatly encouraging! As we began recanvassing several areas of Brownsville, we came to one of the rougher areas of town. This time, the people knew who we were and what we were doing. Some were fairly open to the Gospel as well. Throughout the week, we made a stronger emphasis on doing follow-ups, including reconnecting with those who speak Spanish. A few of the Hispanics were open to reading the Gospel literature we gave them, and some even said they would try to come to the services!


Wednesday evening at the park was, once again, a tremendous blessing in reaching the children who came. About ten minutes into our singing time, Bro. Eric went to invite the kids to a children’s program. He ended up talking and witnessing to a Hispanic man named Hermando. Pastor Peterson then went to gather the kids together for a children’s program, and the kids loved it! They had never heard the songs before, and they were amazed at the story of David and Goliath! There were about 8 children, five of whom stayed for the whole program, along with Hermando, the father of one of the children.


On Friday, we visited a lady named Stephanie, who called us after we left a flyer on her door. She initially asked us for a ride to church, but, when we visited her, we discovered that she was looking for help with several issues in her life. As she described her trouble, Bro. Daniel was able to share the plan of salvation with her. She came very close to salvation, but the Devil was working hard to keep her from Christ. Bro. Daniel gently pleaded with her to make the decision to trust Jesus for salvation, but she was not ready to fully let go of her sin. She was unable to come to church this Sunday, but please pray earnestly for her to be saved!


As our team prepares to head home during the next two weeks, please pray for the people we have met. Lord willing, we will send out another list of people to pray for their salvation and growth. Please pray specifically that God would send someone here or use someone who is here to continue to reach out to the precious souls here in Brownsville.                       

Thank you for your prayers and support!

In Christ,

The Evangelize America Brownsville Team

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